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connection between Mankind and Nature | Shevat 5785 (February 2025) | The Third Temple

This newsletter is dedicated to the souls of the fallen and the murdered Israelis, along with the safe return of all the Israeli citizens held in captivity.
The location of the Temple Mount has provoked more than a few challenges โ€“ political discputes around control of the site, complex topography that makes planning a structure on the scale of the Temple difficult, etc.
So why is it impossible to change the location of the Temple?

View the short clip that explains the special significance of the site and the reason why it was selected>>>
ย Mikvah (Jewish Ritual Bath) is located 60 meters
from the Temple Mount
The discovery of a mivkah or Jewish ritual bath from the days of the Second Temple in the City of David, in the area of the โ€œterraced roadโ€ that is located approximately 60 meters south of the Temple Mount, adjacent to an old drainage canal, is a fascinating and unique discovery.
The small but impressive mikvah includes five steps, and reaches a depth of approximately 2 meters. What makes this unique is the fact that it is intact - and located in almost the same condition as it was when it was abandoned after the destruction of the Second Temple, with no significant changes.
This discovery offers a rare glimpse into the daily lives of Jerusalem residents on the eve of the destruction of the Second Temple. The mikvah, which was used for private purposes, indicates a wealthy Jewish population that lived in this area of the city and that adhered to maintaining the laws of uncleanliness and purity.ย 
In 2025, 4573 Israeli Jews ascended the Temple Mount.
What about you ?

(Credit Journal Makor Richon)
The month of Shvat belongs to the Sefira Hod (Counting of the Omer: Hod), and reflects the nature of the the High Priest Aaron, who died on the first of Shvat.
Aaron worked his entire life to reconcile people. Hence he was known as โ€œLoves peace, chaser of peaceโ€.
In this month, we try to forge peace between people, within the family, particularly between husband and wife, more than in the other months of the year. During this month, it is important to honor Torah scholars, support those in need and avoid slander.

The holiday of Tu BeShvat, where trees and fruits are blessed, is designed to reinforce the bond between people and nature, and to advance peace and harmony in the world so that Aaronโ€™s actions encouraged closeness and fraternity. This is a prime opportunity to gather and conduct a blessing.
To bless is to recognize that this world is not run by lawlessness, but belongs to God. By thanking G-d for the abundance He gives us, we become partners in creation.

During the Tu Beshvat seder, four trays are prepared, each representing one of the four categories of fruits and four worlds.
The categories are:
1.Fruit with seeds whose peels are inedible.
2.Fruit without seeds whose peels are inedible.
3.Fruit with seeds whose peels are edible.
4.Fruit that can be eaten in their entirety.
Rabbi Sadine indicates that these four categories reflect the four levels of existence:
1.The world of action - of doing, movement.
2.The world of creativity - making something out of something.ย 
3.The world of creation - making something out of nothing.
4.The world of nobility - the upper world.
These categories also reflect our various ways of coping with the world and with others. The peel represents the external appearance, the seeds represent the future, while the fruitโ€™s flesh represents the present.
Through this holiday, we celebrate the potential of the tree, and for us this means the ability to transform a bitter seed into sweet, holy fruit.
It is also time to reinforce our belief in G-d and to act with confidence while remaining on the best path and bringing people between people.

The month of Shevat, whose Hebrew acronym stands for Peace, Goodness, Blessing, indicates that peace unifies the good and the blessing.
(From Rabbi Shimeon Guttman and Rabbanit Lea Benacom )
โ€œ Happy is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked ...But his delight is in the law of the Lord...
And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.โ€
(Psalsm 1, 1-3)ย 

Best regards,
The 3rd Temple Team

If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.

If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.

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