Pioneers of the Third Temple
Pioneers of the Third Temple

In every nation, in every country, there are people who understood that G-d exists, that He created humanity, that He is one and the same for 8 billion people.
In every nation, in every country, there are people who understood that G-d exists, that He created humanity, that He is one and the same for 8 billion people.
People who do not identify with the church, the Vatican, with the kohanim, the imams or rabbis yet still honor God and place their faith in Him.
People who love the others, regardless of who they are, with a real and honest love, people who respect family values, who understand the importance of the relationship with parents, brothers, sisters and their children.
Men and women who believe that there are sufficient resources around the world but that need to be distributed in a fairer manner, so that everyone can live in dignity wherever they are. Men and women who want to protect the Earth, to share their knowledge and to each other.
If you identify with these core values, then perhaps you are one of those calling for the building of the Third Temple.
There are those who learned, realized and are investing in this project. Their motivations are diverse and they focus on only one G-d.
They understand the importance of the building of His home on earth so that our prayers will be answered, on behalf of every one of the 8 billion human beings.
Jerusalem and Israel are home to dozens of associations to build the Temple. There are no more than one thousand highly motivated people in these associations.
Several Evangelists support the building of the Temple, since this will facilitate the return of Jesus. Again, the are considered utopian in changing the course of history.
Like Newton, Galileo, Herzl, Pythagoras, Einstein, Vilna Gaon, Ramchal, all were considered ‘crazy’ at their time. Expelled and exiled, they managed to drive humanity forward in the right direction.
There are simple and proven ways in convincing all people who reject this project. We will do so by providing explanations on this website and on social media on the humanistic interest of this project, the goal being the recruitment of as many conscientious people as possible to build the Third Temple. We are pioneers. If we consolidate the forces of all associations, people interested in joining, participating or supporting the project.
The significance of this project is increasing awareness in every human being of why the Third Temple should be built in Jerusalem and the way it should be built.
Everyone can support the project by registering for free at the website.
The Third Temple will come from the people.
The people is each and every one of us. Politicians, media, supporters will do what the people want.
Hence, we have an opportunity to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel.
Lets both pioneers and players in this collective mitzva that may significantly improve the welfare of all people on this earth, on five continents, by building a Temple that will be a receptacle for the Divine Presence.
Together, every one of us will build a better world. In this way we should also create a different movement of thought and raise awareness of the urgency of building the Temple for the good of humanity.
People who do not identify with the church, the Vatican, with the kohanim, the imams or rabbis yet still honor God and place their faith in Him.
People who love the others, regardless of who they are, with a real and honest love, people who respect family values, who understand the importance of the relationship with parents, brothers, sisters and their children.
Men and women who believe that there are sufficient resources around the world but that need to be distributed in a fairer manner, so that everyone can live in dignity wherever they are. Men and women who want to protect the Earth, to share their knowledge and to each other.
If you identify with these core values, then perhaps you are one of those calling for the building of the Third Temple.
There are those who learned, realized and are investing in this project. Their motivations are diverse and they focus on only one G-d.
They understand the importance of the building of His home on earth so that our prayers will be answered, on behalf of every one of the 8 billion human beings.
Jerusalem and Israel are home to dozens of associations to build the Temple. There are no more than one thousand highly motivated people in these associations.
Several Evangelists support the building of the Temple, since this will facilitate the return of Jesus. Again, the are considered utopian in changing the course of history.
Like Newton, Galileo, Herzl, Pythagoras, Einstein, Vilna Gaon, Ramchal, all were considered ‘crazy’ at their time. Expelled and exiled, they managed to drive humanity forward in the right direction.
There are simple and proven ways in convincing all people who reject this project. We will do so by providing explanations on this website and on social media on the humanistic interest of this project, the goal being the recruitment of as many conscientious people as possible to build the Third Temple. We are pioneers. If we consolidate the forces of all associations, people interested in joining, participating or supporting the project.
The significance of this project is increasing awareness in every human being of why the Third Temple should be built in Jerusalem and the way it should be built.
Everyone can support the project by registering for free at the website.
The Third Temple will come from the people.
The people is each and every one of us. Politicians, media, supporters will do what the people want.
Hence, we have an opportunity to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel.
Lets both pioneers and players in this collective mitzva that may significantly improve the welfare of all people on this earth, on five continents, by building a Temple that will be a receptacle for the Divine Presence.
Together, every one of us will build a better world. In this way we should also create a different movement of thought and raise awareness of the urgency of building the Temple for the good of humanity.
If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.
If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.