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Due to the sensitivity of the matter, no Israeli government to date has ensured construction of the Third Temple.
The Temple Mount in general, and the temple in particular simply do not exist in public discourse.
The political aim is above all to reintroduce the Temple Mount and the Temple in public discourse.

Accords de paix d'Abraham

Avraham’s Peace Accords / Abdullah bin Zayed, Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu / Sep 15, 2020


1/ Convening of special Knesset meetings about the Third Temple.

2/ The Ministries of Education, Tourism and Religion joining forces in order to disseminate the idea of the Temple and its impact on peace in the Middle East and the world.

3/ Planning a Third Temple preparation day, on the ninth of Av, to commemorate the destruction of the first Temples that occurred on the same date in 586 BCE and 70 ACE. The Political Department is engaged in establishing ties around the world with communities that support the construction of the Third Temple.

4/ Fight against disinformation and discrimination that is currently taking place on the Temple Mount in order to give rise to the idea of a Temple among the people and to stimulate the desire for a Third Temple.

5/ Combination of Israeli, Saudi and Jordanian diplomats who will review future peace agreements so that any nation, anywhere in the world, will have access to the Temple Mount, with full security and absolute peace.

6/ Establishment of the conditions needed for the establishment of a popular movement in order to influence governments. We will increase awareness among the nations of the world about the scope of the peace of the Third Temple.

The Political Department aims to obtain both in Israel and in the international community an agreement regarding the building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in peace.

Through spokespersons and international media, the Political Department explains the positive impact of the project on humanity.
People registering to the thirdtemple.org website will regularly receive updates by email.


G-d is one. Whether we are Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Protestant, we pray to the same G-d. Billions of people currently believe in the one and only G-d.

As such, the Temple should be built, in accordance with His wishes, that He asked of Ezekiel.
The prophet Ezekiel is acceptable to everyone, and is buried in Al Kifl , a city located 150km from Baghdad, where Muslims pray (they transformed his grave into a mosque).
Protestants, Catholics and Evangelicals consider him a prophet.
Ezekiel received the prophetic vision of the Temple during his exile in Baghdad (currently Iraq – then Babylon) in 600 BCE.
Through a significant explanation of the meaning of the 3rd Temple to all, we can reach a consensus on the project in diplomatic ways.
With no religious leader, the Temple Mount will revert to its original purpose, the meeting between the Divine Presence and all human beings, far beyond religions that only divided people by hatred, war and racism.
The Third Temple, the House of G-d for all of humanity, will be built according to Ezekiel’s prophecy.

Within several years, the majority of Knesset members will support the project.
Ties are forming with the Saudi and Jordanian monarchies as well as with the Americans so that the project will succeed in peace and with respect for everyone.

The Political Department maintains steady ties with various people in order to spur the approval and construction processes.

Accords de paix camp David

Camp David Peace Accords / Anwar Sadat Jimmy Carter and Menahem Begin / Sep 17, 1978

If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.

If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.

Why join the construction of the 3rd Temple?

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10 Good Reasons for Registering to Support the Third Temple Project


  1. To restore the oneness of G-d, the one G-d for all humanity at the site where His home is to be built.
  2. To work for peace among all nations, the result of the Divine presence that will be reflected in the Third Temple.
  3. To regularly receive information on developments in this area.
  4. It’s free and will remain free. Our information will remain confidential.
  5. To participate in the largest joint project for all of humanity.
  6. To be part of the first group of people that is marching towards a better world while spearheading universal fraternity. Nothing is done without hope.
  7. To fulfill the commandment of participating in the construction of the Third Temple.
  8. To influence Israeli and international political authorities (UN, UNESCO…) so that the project will be at the top of the agenda.
  9. To transition from hatred to love in order to build a better world.
  10. To train the people of Israel to illuminate the nations in the right direction.
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