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The Construction Department is designed to plan construction of the Temple along with engineers, architects and construction companies. In compliance with the law, particularly regarding allocation of tools and materials that will serve God-s building, the Department itemizes the costs of excavation, construction and finishing.
Presentation of concrete feasibility of construction of the Temple to politicians and the media is a critical element to project success.
We all understand that this is in our hands, we, the people of the hour , are interested in performing this good deed ( mitzvah )together.
If construction of the Second Temple took 7 years, with the methods they had at the time, we believe that construction today will also take 7 years from the start of the work.
We will use modern techniques and materials while remaining faithful to the texts that focus on the subject.

The Construction Department is designed to plan construction of the Temple along with engineers, architects and construction companies. In compliance with the law, particularly regarding allocation of tools and materials that will serve God-s building, the Department itemizes the costs of excavation, construction and finishing.
Presentation of concrete feasibility of construction of the Temple to politicians and the media is a critical element to project success.
We all understand that this is in our hands, we, the people of the hour , are interested in performing this good deed ( mitzvah )together.
If construction of the Second Temple took 7 years, with the methods they had at the time, we believe that construction today will also take 7 years from the start of the work.
We will use modern techniques and materials while remaining faithful to the texts that focus on the subject.

If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.

If we want, we can build the 3rd Temple today.

Why join the construction of the 3rd Temple?

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10 Good Reasons for Registering to Support the Third Temple Project


  1. To restore the oneness of G-d, the one G-d for all humanity at the site where His home is to be built.
  2. To work for peace among all nations, the result of the Divine presence that will be reflected in the Third Temple.
  3. To regularly receive information on developments in this area.
  4. It’s free and will remain free. Our information will remain confidential.
  5. To participate in the largest joint project for all of humanity.
  6. To be part of the first group of people that is marching towards a better world while spearheading universal fraternity. Nothing is done without hope.
  7. To fulfill the commandment of participating in the construction of the Third Temple.
  8. To influence Israeli and international political authorities (UN, UNESCO…) so that the project will be at the top of the agenda.
  9. To transition from hatred to love in order to build a better world.
  10. To train the people of Israel to illuminate the nations in the right direction.
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